Residential Programs
We make it easy for you to find simple ways to add comfort, save money, and reduce energy use in your home.
Home Energy Audit
Greater Minnesota Gas wants to work with you to help reduce your gas usage and assist in increasing your homes efficiency. We are now offering Home Energy Audits to our residential customers. Our partner, Frontier Energy, enlists professional, knowledgeable auditors who can provide a comprehensive plan to save energy (and money) that is customized for your home. The audit will assess house tightness and efficiency of insulation and heating equipment in your home. If you want to save money on your utility bills, enjoy a cozier, weatherized home, or just want to help reduce energy waste, sign up for a Home Energy Audit today.

During the audit, a Building Performance Institute (BPI) trained auditor will install energy-saving measures where needed, including:
- Programmable thermostat
- Low flow showerheads (Gas water heater required)
- Faucet aerators (Gas water heater required)
- Door weather stripping
In addition, auditors will reprogram existing thermostats and lower thermostat settings on water heaters that are set above 120 degrees. Upon completion, you will receive a customized analysis and report specific to your home. We will also assist in larger savings opportunities by helping you determine any next steps that would be beneficial for your home. The auditor will answer any questions and review rebates available from GMG that will help you save money.
Customers that complete an insulation or air seal projects can qualify for up to $1,000 in rebates! Rebate limited to 50% of auditor-recommended insulation and air sealing, up to $1,000 for attic insulation, $1,200 for wall insulation, and $100 for ventilation.
It’s easy, convenient and costs just $50, which is credited back to you with any rebate work completed. Fill out the form below to sign up.
If your income level is preventing you from receiving this service, learn more here.
Efficient Water Measures Program
Do you have a shower or sink that wastes water? If you have older fixtures the answer is probably yes—and your dollars are going down the drain!
Our Efficient Water Measures program is free and we deliver the materials right to your home. We will send you a set of new fixtures for your shower, bathroom sink, and kitchen sink complete with simple instructions on how to install them yourself. This program is free to GMG customers but supplies are limited. Call today to get your free materials and start saving money through our Efficient Water Measures program.
Home Energy Audit Sign-up
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