Rate Case
Greater Minnesota Gas Rate Case
Greater Minnesota Gas, Inc. (GMG) is a regulated utility under the jurisdiction of the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (Commission). The rates customers pay are approved by the Commission. When the costs of providing safe and reliable natural gas service exceed what customers are paying in rates, GMG files a request for a rate increase with the Commission, commonly referred to as a “rate case”. GMG has not requested a rate increase since 2009.
Requested increases are the result of additional costs necessary to maintain a safe and reliable system, upgrade infrastructure and technology as necessary, meet growing demand, and comply with state and federal regulatory requirements such as environmental mandates.
GMG does not have authority to change rates without approval from the Commission.
Information about GMG’s current rate case:
Rate Case Updates
Interim Rates Approved
While the rate case is under consideration, interim rates are in effect. Interim rates started with the January 2025 billing cycle and added approximately $5.86 per month to the average residential bill. This increase appears on customer bills as two interim adjustments – one for the interim facility fee adjustment and one for the interim distribution charge adjustment.
Interim rates include a 15% increase in the monthly facility fee portion of customer bills and a 15% increase in the monthly distribution charge portion of the bills, applied as an equal percentage across all customer types. After final rates have been approved by the Commission, and if interim rates are set higher than final approved rates, GMG will calculate a refund to customers for the difference between interim rates and final rates. The refund will be based on actual customer usage while interim rates were in effect, including interest, and will be issued as a credit on a monthly bill.
How You Can Learn More About the Process for Reviewing GMG’s Request
The Commission, the Minnesota Department of Commerce – Division of Energy Resources, the Office of the Attorney General – Residential Utilities Division, public interest groups, and large commercial and industrial customer groups will investigate the proposal. The Commission will hold public hearings and accept written comments about GMG’s rate increase request. Customers and others will be able to comment on GMG’s request. Any customer or member of the public may add verbal comments, written comments, or both to the record. Notice of the public hearing dates and locations will be published in local newspapers, included in monthly bills, and posted at: https://greatermngas.com/ratecase.
To submit written comments, send comments to, or contact the Commission’s Consumer Affairs Office for assistance with submitting comments: Web site: https://mn.gov/puc/get-involved/public-comments/. Be sure to reference docket number 24-350. Comments can also be sent in via U.S. Mail to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission, 121 7th Place East, Suite 350, St. Paul, MN 55101, Phone: 651-296-0406 or 800-657-3782.
Important: Comments will be made available to the public on the Commission’s website, except in limited circumstances consistent with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. The Commission does not edit or delete personally identifying information from comments received.
GMG Files Natural Gas Price Increase Request
On November 1, 2024, GMG, filed a natural gas price increase request of approximately $1.4 million in annual revenues with the Commission. If approved, it would increase a residential customer’s monthly bill by an average of about $6.15 per month. GMG has not asked for a price increase in 15 years.
Investments in system upgrades and pipeline projects enhancing the reliability, safety and integrity of the natural gas system, as well as increased costs to operate and maintain that system, are the main reasons for the rate increase request.
As part of GMG’s rate increase request, the impact for an average GMG residential customer using approximately 86 dekatherms per year is about $6.15 per month, or $73.80 annually.
GMG also filed a request with the Commission to implement its full requested price increase on an interim basis, which, if approved, would be implemented while the Commission reviews the overall request. Interim rates allow the Company to collect new revenues while the overall request is pending before the Commission, and revenues collected are subject to refund if the Commission approves a lower amount than the interim rate. The impact for residential customers would be the same as the underlying rate request, which is approximately $6.15 per month for a residential customer.
GMG encourages customers to use energy wisely. Conservation tips, information on energy assistance and information on the company’s budget billing program can be found on this website.